Simplifying nutrition and using food as medicine - one bite at a time.

My goal with this blog is to set folks straight about what good nutrition really is! Starting by discarding the info we get every day from 'sponsors' that do not really have our best interests at heart, I want to inspire you to eat better AND realize it is much easier than you thought it would be!

Just about any health issues can be addressed with nutrition (and meditation), from mild to chronic to acute. We truly have the ability to heal ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually...

And you can use your daily routine as your vehicle to drive that change :)

Join me...

Quote of the Month

"When food, in the minds of eaters, is no longer associated with farming and with the land, then the eaters are suffering a kind of cultural amnesia that is misleading and dangerous"
~Wendell Berry

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pesticides - enough already!

I am troubled by the latest news about pesticides in our berries. Just as I have been troubled by the use of some of the most harmful pesticides- those that are systemic and able to grow within the plant and be present in the very nectar of the flowers produced. This is where honeybees are most affected and is the main reason why we've seen such catastrophic die-off of our honeybee poplulations in North America.  All because of unnecesary and improperly regulated use of pesticides - and those of the most insidious kind.

I've recently discovered the website PAN (Pesticide Action Network) and I think they are doing good work in raising awareness about these issues and also taking a stand.
Thank you to all those who are taking action, including you and me, by choosing not to buy foods that are not grown with integrity.  We can make a difference by each and every food we buy.  Money talks.
Let's speak our truths with our by one...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Dear readers; I wish you abundance of healthfullness, joy, clarity, and the consumption of delicious, local and seasonally sumptuous food.

May this year bring you, once and for all, all you are searching for.  And hopefully you will find much of what you need within.
May you cultivate your own wellness and eat what truly fuels your body mind and spirit.

My hope is that you keep reading this blog. And my goal is to continue this blog a best I can for as long as i can.  It may not be weekly but it will continue as long as I have something to say (that's not likely to cease anytime soon!)

I welcome your feedback and questions and look forward to sharing with you this blessed new year...

Let's be well together.
Best, Lisa Marie